It’s not about timing the markets, but about time in the markets

This old adage, has been proven true over the years. Research shows that those who stay invested over the long run in a well-diversified portfolio will generally do better than those who try to profit from turning points in the markets.

By including assets with investment returns that move up and down under different market conditions, an investor can protect against significant losses within a portfolio. Historically, the returns from the major asset classes have not moved up and down at the same time, so by investing in more than one asset type, you'll reduce the risk of losing money and your portfolio's overall investment returns should have a smoother ride.

Why Does Time Matter
Time Horizon - the number of years, or decades you will be investing to achieve a particular financial goal can make a significant difference. If you think about it, an investor with a longer time horizon may feel more comfortable taking on a riskier, or more volatile investment because they can ride out the inevitable ups and downs of our markets. Risk Tolerance – being prepared to lose some or all your original investment in exchange for greater potential returns. An aggressive investor is more likely to risk losing money in order to obtain better long term results, whereas a cautious investor, tends to favour investments that try to preserve the original investment.

So, What's The Right Approach For Me?
The actual process of determining which mix of assets to hold in your portfolio is a very personal one. The asset allocation that works best for you at any given point in your life will depend largely on your investment time horizon and your ability to tolerate any potential losses. We have developed cutting-edge psychometric risk profiling software to make sure we help you make the right decision.

Ensuring your money is invested as tax-efficiently as possible, in products most suitable for your needs, is one of our main focuses. We provide independent advice on a variety of investment products such as:

Stocks & Shares Individual Savings Account (ISA)
With your withdrawals free of taxes this investment allows you to save for the future tax-efficiently.

Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICs) and Unit Trusts
OEICs and Unit Trusts are managed collective investments. Fund Managers pool investor money and buy shares, bonds, property or cash assets amongst other investments.

Onshore & Offshore Bonds
With a lump sum you can invest in a range of available funds. The bond can either run for a fixed term or others can have no fixed term.

Other Investments We Also Offer Advice On:

  • Junior Individual Savings Accounts (JISA) – for those under the age of 18
  • Lifetime Individual Savings Accounts (LISA) – for those wanting to build a house deposit or for long term savings
  • Innovative ISAs
  • National Savings & Investments (NS&I)
  • Investment Trusts

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